Transverse shear strain

New Ross Lab paper on macaques as models for human mandibular fracture fixation

Macaca mulatta is a good model for human mandibular fixation research
This paper is a product of our collaborations with Dr. Russell Reid MD, PhD at University of Chicago, Olga Pangiotopoulou, PhD at Monash. Two Pritzker School of Medical Medicine students worked on this paper, with Pranav Haravu leading the charge. Thanks to all involved.

New Ross Lab paper on sagittal suture strain in capuchins

Thanks to Craig Byron for leading the charge on this great paper reporting in vivo bone strain from multiple sites across the sagittal suture in capuchins. These are important data on the variation in strain along the suture and across different behaviors.
Sagittal suture strain in capuchin monkeys (Sapajus and Cebus) during feeding
Craig Byron | David Reed | Jose Iriarte-Diaz | Qian Wang | David Strait | Myra F. Laird | Callum F. Ross