Emily McParland, Dr. Ross, and colleagues publish a new paper on rat chewing kinematics
/in Callum Ross Publications, Craniomandibular biomechanics, News, PublishedEmily McParland, Dr. Ross and colleagues, including lab alumni JD Laurence-Chasen and Kazutaka Takahashi, have published a new paper on the kinematics of chewing in the Wistar brown rat (Rattus norvegicus). This paper arose out of the fruitful collaboration between Dr. Ross’s lab at the University of Chicago and Dr. Nicholas Gidmark’s lab at Knox College. Because this species has an unfused mandibular symphysis, the kinematics are quite complex. The paper finds that due to the complexity, the rat is an unsuitable species in many cases for studying general mammalian chewing evolution or human chewing.
Ontogenetic changes in jaw leverage and skull shape in tufted and untufted capuchins
/in Callum Ross Publications, Craniomandibular biomechanics, PublishedTradeoffs between bite force and gape in Eulemur and Varecia
/in Callum Ross Publications, Craniomandibular biomechanics, PublishedHead posture impacts mammalian hyoid position and suprahyoid muscle length: implication for swallowing biomechanics
/in Callum Ross Publications, Craniomandibular biomechanics, Hyolingual biomechanics, News, PublishedGape drives regional variation in temporalis architectural dynamics in tufted capuchins
/in Callum Ross Publications, Craniomandibular biomechanics, News, PublishedRhythmic chew cycles with distinct fast and slow phases are ancestral to gnathostomes
/in Callum Ross Publications, Craniomandibular biomechanics, Evolutionary neuromechanics, News, PublishedIntroduction: food processing and nutritional assimilation in animals
/in Callum Ross Publications, Craniomandibular biomechanics, PublishedOntogenetic changes in bite force and gape in tufted capuchins
/in Callum Ross Publications, Craniomandibular biomechanics, News, PublishedLaird MF, Kanno CM, Yoakum, CB, Fogaça, MD, Taylor AB, Ross, CF, Chalk-Wilayto, J, Holmes, MA, Terhune, CE, de Oliveira, JA. (2023) Journal of Experimental Biology jeb.245972.
New paper from the Panagiotopoulou/Reid/Ross collaboration
/in Callum Ross Publications, Craniomandibular biomechanics, News, PublishedThe biomechanics of chewing and suckling in the infant: A potential mechanism for physiologic metopic suture closure.
Pranav N. Haravu, Miguel Gonzalez, Shelby L. Nathan, Callum F. Ross, Olga Panagiotopoulou, Russell R. Reid