Gape drives regional variation in temporalis architectural dynamics in tufted capuchins
/in Callum Ross Publications, Craniomandibular biomechanics, News, PublishedRhythmic chew cycles with distinct fast and slow phases are ancestral to gnathostomes
/in Callum Ross Publications, Craniomandibular biomechanics, Evolutionary neuromechanics, News, PublishedIntroduction: food processing and nutritional assimilation in animals
/in Callum Ross Publications, Craniomandibular biomechanics, PublishedMultiple regions of sensorimotor cortex encode bite force and gape
/in Callum Ross Publications, Evolutionary neuromechanics, News, PublishedNew paper from Ross-Hatsopoulos Lab Collaboration
/in Callum Ross Publications, Evolutionary neuromechanics, News, PublishedMultiple regions of primate orofacial sensorimotor cortex encode bite force and gape.
This paper just out from the Ross-Hatsopoulos collaboration funded by R01 “Neuroplasticity and the role of sensorimotor cortex in control of orofacial function”. R01DE023816-01.
Ontogenetic changes in bite force and gape in tufted capuchins
/in Callum Ross Publications, Craniomandibular biomechanics, News, PublishedLaird MF, Kanno CM, Yoakum, CB, Fogaça, MD, Taylor AB, Ross, CF, Chalk-Wilayto, J, Holmes, MA, Terhune, CE, de Oliveira, JA. (2023) Journal of Experimental Biology jeb.245972.
New paper from the Panagiotopoulou/Reid/Ross collaboration
/in Callum Ross Publications, Craniomandibular biomechanics, News, PublishedThe biomechanics of chewing and suckling in the infant: A potential mechanism for physiologic metopic suture closure.
Pranav N. Haravu, Miguel Gonzalez, Shelby L. Nathan, Callum F. Ross, Olga Panagiotopoulou, Russell R. Reid
Biomechanical and Cortical Control of Tongue Movements During Chewing and Swallowing
/in Callum Ross Publications, Hyolingual biomechanics, PublishedRoss-Hatsopoulos Lab paper
/in Callum Ross Publications, Evolutionary neuromechanics, News, PublishedRobust cortical encoding of 3D tongue shape during feeding in macaques
This new paper from the long-standing Ross-Hatsopoulos Lab collaboration was based on JD Laurence-Chasen’s dissertation. This is the first evidence that the brain encodes shape dynamics of a muscular soft-body. Great work, JD!