The impact of measurement technique and sampling on estimates of skeletal muscle fibre architecture
Andrea B. Taylor, Claire E. Terhune, Callum F. Ross, Christopher J. Vinyard. The Anatomical Record. Volume 307, Issue 9 (2024)
The Kinematics of Proal Chewing in Rats
E.D. McParland, J.K. Mitchell, J.D. Laurence-Chasen, L.C. Aspinwall, O. Afolabi, K. Takahashi, C.F. Ross and N.J. Gidmark. Integrative Organismal Biology. Volume 6, Issue 1, 2024, obae023 (2024)
A new biomechanical model of the mammal jaw based on load path analysis
Alec T. Wilken, Julia A. Schultz, Zhe-Xi Luo, Callum F. Ross. Journal of Experimental Morphology. jeb-247030 (2024)
Ontogenetic changes in jaw leverage and skull shape in tufted and untufted capuchins
Megan A Holmes, Claire E Terhune, Janine Chalk-Wilayto, Caitlin B Yoakum, Parker Taylor, Rocio Ramirez, Megan P Solís, Taylor A Polvadore, Callum F Ross, Andrea B Taylor, Mariana Dutra Fogaca, Myra F Laird. Journal of Morphology. 285(5):e21705 (2024)
Tradeoffs between bite force and gape in Eulemur and Varecia
Myra F Laird, Taylor A Polvadore , Gabrielle A Hirschkorn, Julie C McKinney, Callum F Ross, Andrea B Taylor, Claire E Terhune, Jose Iriarte-Diaz. Journal of Morphology. 285(5):e21699 (2024)
Head posture impacts mammalian hyoid position and suprahyoid muscle length: implication for swallowing biomechanics
Peishu Li, Callum F. Ross, Zhe-Xi Luo, Nicholas J. Gidmark. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 378: 20220552. (2023)
Gape drives regional variation in temporalis architectural dynamics in tufted capuchins
Myra F. Laird, Jose Iriarte-Diaz, Craig D. Byron, Michael C. Granatosky, Andrea B. Taylor and Callum F. Ross. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 378: 20220550. (2023)
Rhythmic chew cycles with distinct fast and slow phases are ancestral to gnathostomes
Brian A. Richard, Meghan Spence, Mateo Rull-Garza, Yonas Tolosa Roba, Daniel Schwarz, Jason B. Ramsay, J. D. Laurence-Chasen, Callum F. Ross, Nicolai Konow. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 378: 20220539. (2023)
Introduction: food processing and nutritional assimilation in animals
Myra F. Laird, Callum F. Ross, Victor Kang, Nicolai Konow. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 378: 20220559 (2023)
Multiple regions of sensorimotor cortex encode bite force and gape
Arce-McShane, F; Sessle, BJ, Ram Y; Ross CF; Hatsopoulos NG. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. (2023)
Biomechanical and Cortical Control of Tongue Movements During Chewing and Swallowing
Callum F Ross, JD Laurence-Chasen, Peishu LI, Courtney Orsbon, Nicho Hatsopoulos. Dysphagia. (2023)
Macaca mulatta is a good model for human mandibular fixation research
Pranav N Haravu, Hyab Mehari Abraha, Michelle Shang, Jose Iriarte-Diaz, Andrea B Taylor, Russell R Reid, Callum F Ross, Olga Panagiotopoulou. Royal Society Open Science. 16;9(11):220438 (2023)
Personal Autonomy and Self-Determination are Crucial for Professionalism in Healthcare
Jason Organ et al.. Anatomical Sciences Education. (2023)
Does the model reflect the system? When two-dimensional biomechanics is not ‘good enough’
Amanda L. Smith, Julian Davis, Olga Panagiotopoulou, Andrea B. Taylor, Chris Robinson, Carol V. Ward, William H. Kimbel, Zeresenay Alemseged and Callum F. Ross. J. R. Soc. Interface.. 202022053620220536 (2023)
Iyuku raathi, a new iguanodontian dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous Kirkwood Formation, South Africa.
Forster, CA, De Klerk, WJ, Poole, KE, Chinsamy-Turan, A, Roberts, EM, Ross, CF. Anatomical Record. (2022)
Got rhythm? Rhythmicity differences reflect different optimality criteria in feeding and locomotor systems
Faltings, L, Young, M, Ross, CF, Granatosky, MG. Evolution. (in press) (2022)
Mechanical compensation in the evolution of the early hominin feeding apparatus
Ledogar, J, Senck, S, Villmoare, B, Smith, A, Weber, G, Richmond, B, Dechow, P, Ross, CF, Grosse, I, Wright, B, Wang, Q, Byron, C, Benazzi, S, Carlson, K, Carlson, K, McIntosh, L, van Casteren, A, Strait, D. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 337300:51:00 (2022)
Loss of tactile feedback impairs feeding performance and consistency of tongue-jaw coordination
Laurence-Chasen, JD, Arce-McShane, FI, Hatsopoulos, NG, Ross, CF. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. (2022)
Effects of food material properties on food processing efficiency in bearded capuchins
Chalk-Wilayto, J, Fogaça, M, Wright, B, van Casteren, A, Fragaszy, D, Izar, P, Visalberghi, E, Strait, D, Ross, CF, Wright, K, Laird, M. American Journal of Biological Anthropology. (2022)
Feeding postural behaviors and food material and geometric properties in bearded capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus)
Laird, MF, Punjani, Z, Oshay, RR, Wright, BW, Fogaça, MD, van Casteren, A, Izar, P, Visalberghi, E, Fragazy, D, Strait, DS, Ross, CF, Wright, KA. American Journal of Biological Anthropology. 178(1): 3–16 (2022)
Ceratohyal motion drives mandibular depression and oral cavity volume change in Polypterus bichir suction feeding
Whitlow, KR, Ross, CF, Gidmark, NJ, Laurence-Chasen, JD, Westneat, MW. Journal of Experimental Biology. 225(3): jeb243283 (2022)
How capuchin monkeys use their semi-prehensile tail
Mangalam, M, Ross, CF, Izar, P, Visalberghi, E, Fragaszy, DM. Current Science. 122(2): 195-200 (2022)
Twist and chew: three dimensional tongue kinematics during chewing in macaque primates
Feilich, K, Laurence-Chasen, JD, Orsbon, C, Gidmark, NJ, Ross, CF. Biology Letters. 17:20210431.20210431 (2021)
Grit your teeth and chew your food: Implications of food material properties and abrasives for rates of dental microwear formation in laboratory Sapajus apella (Primates)
Teaford, MF, Ungar, PS, Taylor, AB, Vinyard, CJ, Ross, CF, Laird, MF. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Paleoecology. 583(4):110644 (2021)
Comparative biomechanics of the Pan and Macaca mandibles during mastication: Finite element modeling of loading, deformation and strain regimes
Smith, AL, Robinson, C, Taylor, AB, Panagiotopoulou, O, Davis, J, Ward, CV, Kimbel, WH, Alemseged, Z, Ross, CF. Royal Society Interface. 336844:51:00 (2021)
Comparative cranial biomechanics in two lizard species: impact of variation in cranial design
Dutel, H, Gröning, F, Sharp, AC, Watson, PJ, Herrel, A, Ross, CF, Jones, MH, Evans, SE, Fagan, MJ. Journal of Experimental Biology. jeb.234831 (2021)
Morphological disparity and evolutionary transformations in the primate hyoid apparatus
Li, P, Ross, CF, Luo, Z. Journal of Human Evolution. 162, 103094 (2021)
Fracture fixation technique and chewing side impact jaw mechanics in mandible fracture repair
Mehari-Abraha, H, Iriarte-Diaz, J, Reid, RR, Ross, CF, Panagiotopoulou, O. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. (2021)
Ingestive behaviors in bearded capuchins (Sapajus libidinosus)
Laird, MF, Wright, BW, Rivera, AO, Fogaça, MD, van Casteren, A, Fragaszy, DM, Izar, P, Visalberghi, E, Scott, RS, Strait, DS, Ross, CF, Wright, KA. Scientific Reports. 357:30:00 (2020)
Biomechanical and morphological analysis of the Pierre Robin Sequence mandible: Finite element and morphometric study
Humphries, LS, Reid, RR, Ross, CF, Taylor, AB, Collins, JM, Freire, AR, Rossi, AC, Prado, FB. Anatomical Record. 2020: 1-14 (2020)
Biomechanics of the mandible of Macaca mulatta during the power stroke of mastication: Loading, deformation, and strain regimes and the impact of food type
Panagiotopoulou, O, Iriarte-Diaz, J, Mehari-Abraha, H, Taylor, AB, Wilshin, S, Dechow, PC. Journal of Human Evolution. 147 (2020)
Integrating XMALab and DeepLabCut for high-throughput XROMM
Laurence-Chasen, JD, Manafzadeh, AR, Hatsopoulos, N, Ross, CF, Arce-McShane, F. Journal of Experimental Biology. 223: jeb226720 (2020)
Differences in muscle moment arms lengths, mechanical advantages, and force vector orientations underlie differing optimality criteria between primate feeding and locomotor systems
Granatosky, MC, Ross, CF. Journal of Anatomy. (2020)
XROMM and diceCT reveal a hydraulic mechanism of tongue base retraction in swallowing
Orsbon, CP, Gidmark, NJ, Gao, T, Ross, CF. Scientific Reports. 2020 May 19 (2020)
Muscle architecture dynamics modulate performance of the superficial anterior temporalis muscle during chewing in capuchins
Laird, MF, Granatosky, MC, Taylor, AB, Ross, CF. Scientific Reports. 116:50:00 (2020)
Variation in limb loading magnitude and timing in tetrapods
Granatosky, MC, McElroy, E, Lemelin, P, Reilly, SM, Nyakatura, JA, Andrada, E, Kilbourne, BM, Allen, VR, Butcher, MT, Blob, RW, Ross, CF. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2020 223 (2020)
The dental microwear of hard-object feeding in laboratory Sapajus apella and its implications for dental microwear formation
Teaford, MF, Ungar, PS, Taylor, AB Ross, CF, Vinyard, CJ. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. (2020)
Jaw elevator muscle coordination during rhythmic mastication in primates: Are triplets units of motor control?
Ram, Y and Ross, CF. Brain, Behaviour and Evolution:. (2019)
Jaw kinematics and facial morphology in humans
Laird, MF, Ross, CF, O’Higgins, P. Journal of Human Evolution. 1849:39:00 (2019)
The mechanical effect of the periodontal ligament on bone strain regimes in a validated finite element model of a macaque mandible
Mehari-Abraha, H, Iriarte-Diaz, J, Ross, CF, Taylor, AB, Panagiotopoulou, O. Frontiers in Biomechanics. 2019 (2019)
Development of the urinary and genital systems: A clinically oriented review
Kuhn, C, Ross, CF. Operative Manual of Pediatric and Adolescent Reconstruction. ed. M.S. Gundeti. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt., Ltd. Pp. 103-129 (2019)
Taking a big bite: working together to better understand the evolution of feeding in primates
Wright, BW, Wright, KA, Strait, DS, Ross, CF, Laird, MF, Van Casteren, A, Scott, R. American Journal of Primatology. (2019)
Joint angular excursions during cyclical behaviors differ between tetrapod feeding and locomotor systems
Granatosky, MC, McElroy, E, Laird, MF, Iriarte-Diaz, J, Taylor, AB and Ross, CF. Journal of Experimental Biology. (2019)
Skull shape and the demands of feeding: a biomechanical study of peccaries (Mammalia, Cetartiodactyla)
Hendges, CD, Patterson, BD, Cáceres, NC, Gasparini GM & Ross, CF. Journal of Mammalogy. 100 (2): 475–486 (2019)
Evolution, constraint and optimality in primate feeding systems
V. Ed. Ross, CF, Iriarte-Diaz, J. Feeding In Vertebrates, Fascinating Life Sciences. Springer Nature, Switzerland. Pp. 787-829 (2019)
Dynamics of motor cortical activity during naturalistic feeding behavior
Liu, S, Iriarte-Diaz, J, Hatsopoulos, NG, Ross, CF, Takahashi, K, Chen, Z. Journal of Neural Engineering.. 16(2): 026038 (2019)
Inter-stride variability triggers gait transitions in mammals and birds
Granatosky, MC, Bryce, CM, Hanna, J, Fitzsimons, A, Laird, MF, Stilson, K, Wall, CE and Ross, CF. Proceedings of the Royal Society.. 285 (2018)
Bite force and cranial bone strain in four species of lizards
Ross, CF, Porro, LB, Herrel, A, Evans, SE, Fagan, MJ. Journal of Experimental Biology. 221, jeb180240 (2018)
Primary sensorimotor cortex exhibits complex dependencies of spike-field coherence on neuronal firing rates, field power, and behavior
Arce-McShane, FI, Sessle, BJ, Ross, CF, Hatsopoulos, NG. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2018 Jul 1;120(1):226-238 (2018)
The hard-object feeding sooty mangabey does not have jaw-muscle fiber architecture or leverage that facilitate relatively large bite forces compared to other papionins
Taylor, AB, Terhune, C, Toler, M, Holmes, M, Hylander, WL, Ross, CF, Vinyard, CJ. Anatomical Record. 301(2):325-342 (2018)
Dynamic musculoskeletal functional morphology: Integrating diceCT and XROMM
Orsbon, CP, Gidmark, NJ, Ross, CF. Anatomical Record. 301(2):378-406 (2018)
Evaluating the triplet hypothesis during rhythmic mastication in primates
Ram, Y and Ross, CF. Journal of Experimental Biology. 221(2). pii: jeb165985 (2018)
In vivo rates of dental microwear formation in laboratory primates fed different food items
Teaford, MF, Ungar, PS, Taylor, AB, Ross, CF, Vinyard, CJ. Biosurface and Tribology. (2017)
In vivo bone strain and finite element modeling of a rhesus macaque mandible during mastication
Panagiotopoulou, O, Iriarte-Diaz, J, Wilshin, S, Dechow, PC, Taylor, AB, Mehari-Abraha, H, Aljunid, SF, Ross, CF. Zoology. 134: 13-29 (2017)
Functional correlates of the position of the axis of rotation of the mandible during chewing in non-human primates
Iriarte-Diaz, J, Terhune, C, Taylor, AB, Ross, CF. Zoology. 124: 106-118 (2017)
Sagittal plane kinematics of the jaw and hyolingual apparatus during swallowing in Macaca mulatta
Nakamura, Y, Iriarte-Diaz, J, Arce-McShane, F, Orsbon, CP, Brown, KA, Eastment, M, Inoue, M, Ross, CF, Takahashi, K. Dysphagia. 32(5): 663-677 (2017)
Scaling of rotational inertia of primate mandibles
Ross, CF, Iriarte-Diaz, J, Platts, E, Walsh, T, Heins, L, Gerstner, GE, Taylor, AB. Journal of Human Evolution. 106: 119-132 (2017)
The biomechanics of bony facial “buttresses” in South African australopiths: an experimental study using finite element analysis
Ledogar JA, Benazzi, S, Smith AL, Weber GW, Grosse IR, Ross CF, Richmond BG, Wright BW, Byron C, Strait, DS, Wang, Q, Dechow, PC. Anatomical Record. 300:171–195 (2017)
Skull diversity
Ross, CF. International Encyclopedia of Primatology. Editor in Chief, Agustín Fuentes. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (2016)
Internal bone architecture in the zygoma of Homo and Pan
Pryor LC, Strait DS, Ledogar JA, Smith AL, Ross CF, Wang Q, Opperman LA, Dechow PC. Anatomical Record. 299: 1704-1717 (2016)
Human feeding biomechanics: performance, variation, and functional constraints
Ledogar JA, Dechow PC, Wang Q, Gharpure P, Gordon AD, Baab KL, Smith AL, Weber GW, Grosse IR, Ross CF, Richmond BG, Wright BW, Byron C, Wroe S, Strait DS. PeerJ. 4:e2242 (2016)
In vivo bone strain in the mandibular corpus of Sapajus during different oral food processing behaviors.
Ross, CF, J Iriarte-Diaz, D Reed, TA Stewart, AB Taylor. Journal of Human Evolution. 98: 36-65 (2016)
Elastic properties of chimpanzee craniofacial cortical bone
Gharpure, P, Kontogiorgos, E, Opperman, L, Ross, CF, Strait, DS, Smith, AL, Pryor, L, Wang, Q, Dechow, PC. Anatomical Record. 299: 1718-1733 (2016)
Review of in vivo bone strain studies and finite element models of the zygomatic complex in humans and non-human primates: Implications for clinical research and practice
Prado, FB, Freire, AR, Rossi, AC, Ledogar, JA, Smith, AL, Dechow, PC, Strait, DS, Voigt, T, Ross, CF. Anatomical Record. 299: 1753-1778 (2016)
Similarity in neuronal firing regimes across mammalian species
Mochizuki, Y et al. (56 authors). The Journal of Neuroscience. 36(21): 5736-5747 (2016)
Primary motor and sensory cortical areas communicate via spatiotemporally coordinated networks at multiple frequencies
Arce-McShane, FI, Takahashi, K, Ross, CF, Sessle, BJ, Hatsopoulos, NG. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. 113 (18): 5083-5088 (2016)
In vivo bone strain and finite element modeling of a rhesus macaque mandible during mastication
Ledogar, JA, Smith AL, Benazzi S, Weber GW, Spencer MA, Carlson KB, McNulty KP, Dechow, PC, Grosse, IR, Ross CF, Richmond, BG, Wright, BW, Wang, Q, Byron, C, Carlson, KJ, de Ruiter, DJ, Berger, LR, Tamvada, K, Pryor, LC, Berthaume, MA, Strait, DS. Nature Communications. 7, 10596 (2016)
Recurrence network analysis of multiple local field potential bands from the orofacial portion of primary motor cortex
Subramaniyam, NP, Hyttinen, J, Hatsopoulos, NG, Ross, CF, Takahashi, K. Conference Proceedings of the IEEE, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2015: 5343-5346 (2015)
Semiautomatic marker tracking of tongue positions captured by videofluoroscopy during primate feeding
Best, MD, Nakamura, Y, Kijak, NA, Allen, MJ, Lever, TE, Hatsopoulos, NG, Ross, CF; Takahashi, K. Conference Proceedings of the IEEE, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2015: 5347-5350 (2015)
Jaw-muscle force and excursion scale with negative allometry in platyrrhine primates
Taylor, AB, Yuan, T, Ross, CF, Vinyard, CJ. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 158 (2): 1096-8644 (2015)
Substrate diameter and orientation in the context of food type in the Gray Mouse Lemur, Microcebus murinus: Implications for the origins of grasping in Primates
Toussaint, S, Herrel, A, Ross, CF, Aujard, F, Pouydebat, E. International Journal of Primatology. 01/2015 (2015)
Sexual dimorphism in bite force in the grey mouse lemur
Thomas, P, Pouydebat, E, Hardy, I, Aujard, F, Ross, CF, Herrel, A. Journal of Zoology. 296(2) (2015)
Bone strain magnitude is correlated with bone strain rate in tetrapods: implications for models of mechanotransduction
Aiello, BR, Iriarte-Diaz, J, Blob RW, Butcher MT, Carrano, MT, Espinoza NR, Main RP, Ross, CF. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 282 (1810) (2015)
Biomechanical implications of intraspecific shape variation in chimpanzee crania: moving towards an integration of geometric morphometrics and finite element analysis
Smith AL, Benazzi S, Ledogar JA, Tamvada K, Pryor Smith LC, Weber GW, Spencer MA, Dechow PC, Grosse IR, Ross CF and others. Anatomical Record. 298(1): 122-144 (2015)
The feeding biomechanics and dietary ecology of Paranthropus boisei
Smith AL, Benazzi S, Ledogar JA, Tamvada K, Pryor Smith LC, Weber GW, Spencer MA, Lucas, PW, Michael, S, Shekeban, A, Al-Fadhalah, K, Almusallam, AS, Dechow, PC, Grosse, IR, Ross CF and others. Anatomical Record. 298(1): 145-167 (2015)
In vivo cranial bone strain and bite force in the agamid lizard Uromastyx geyri
Porro LB, Ross, CF, Iriarte-Diaz, J, O’Reilly, JC, Evans, SE, Fagan, M. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 217(11): 1983-1992 (2014)
What does feeding system morphology tell us about feeding?
Ross, CF, J Iriarte-Diaz. Evolutionary Anthropology. 23(3): 105-120 (2014)
Modulation dynamics in the orofacial sensorimotor cortex during motor skill acquisition
Arce, FI, Hatsopoulos, NG, Lee, J-C, Ross, CF, Sessle, BJ. Journal of Neuroscience. 34(17): 5985-97 (2014)
Physician opinions about an anatomy core curriculum: A case for medical imaging and vertical integration
Orsbon, C, Kaiser, R, Ross, CF. Anatomical Sciences Education. 7: 251-261 (2014)
Food acquisition on arboreal substrates by the grey mouse lemur: implication for primate grasping evolution
Toussaint, S, Reghem, E, Chotard, H, Herrel, A, Ross, CF, Pouydebat, E. Journal of Zoology. 291: 235-242 (2013)
In vivo bone strain and finite element modeling of the mandible of Alligator mississippiensis
Porro, LB, Metzger K, Iriarte-Diaz, J, Ross, CF. Journal of Anatomy. 223(3): 195-227 (2013)
Directional information from neuronal ensembles in the primate orofacial sensorimotor cortex
Arce, FI, Lee, J-C, Ross, CF, Sessle, BJ, Hatsopoulos, N. Journal of Neurophysiology. 110: 1357-1369 (2013)
Viewpoints: Diet and dietary adaptations in early hominins: The hard food perspective
Mochizuki, Y et al. (56 authors). American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 151(3): 339-55 (2013)
Developmental and evolutionary perspectives on fibrous cartilage in TMJ tissue engineering
Greene C, Laskin D, editors, Reed, DA, Scapino, RP, Ross, CF, Chen, D, Diekwisch, TH. Treatment of TMDs: Bridging the Gap Between Advances in Research and Clinical Patient Management. Chicago: Quintessence Publishing Co. (2013)
Granger causality analysis of state dependent functional connectivity of neurons in orofacial motor cortex during chewing and swallowing
Takahashi, K, Pesce L, Best M, Iriarte-Diaz J, Kim S, Coleman TP, Hatsopoulos NG, and Ross, CF. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan. Nov., 2012: 1067-1071 (2012)
Microwear, mechanics and the feeding adaptations of Australopithecus africanus
Strait, DS, Weber, GW, Constantino, P, Lucas, PW, Richmond, BG, Spencer, MA, Dechow, PC, Ross, CF, Grosse, IR, Wright, BW, Wood, BA, Wang, Q, Byron, CD, Slice, DE. Journal of Human Evolution. 62: 165-168 (2012)
The role of the sutures in biomechanical dynamic simulation of a macaque cranial finite element model: Implications for the evolution of craniofacial form
Wang, Q, Wood, SA, Grosse, IR, Ross, CF, Zapata U, Byron, CD, Wright BW, Strait DS. The Anatomical Record. 295: 278-288 (2012)
Direct correlation of radiologic and cadaveric structures in a gross anatomy course
Phillips, AW, Smith, SG, Ross, CF, Straus, CM. Medical Teacher. 34: 779-784 (2012)
Evolution of locomotor rhythmicity in tetrapods
Ross, CF, Blob, RW, Carrier, D, Daley, MA, Deban, S, Demes, B, Gripper, J, Kilbourne, B, Iriarte-Diaz, J, Landberg, T, Polk, JD, Schilling, N, Vanhooydonck, B. Evolution. 67(4): 1209-1217 (2012)
Fossil Papio cranium from !Ncumtsa (Koanaka) Hills, western Ngamiland, Botswana
Williams, BA, Ross, CF, Frost, SR, Waddle, D, Gabadirwe, M, Brook, G. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 149: 1-17 (2012)
Improved understanding of human anatomy through self-guided radiological anatomy modules
Phillips, AW, Smith, SG, Ross, CF, Straus, CM. Academic Radiology. 19: 902-907 (2012)
Innovative approaches to the relationship between diet and mandibular morphology in primates
Ross, CF, Iriarte-Diaz, J, Nunn, CL. International Journal of Primatology. 33: 632-660 (2012)
Probabilistic finite element analysis of a craniofacial finite element model
Berthaume, M, Dechow, PC, Iriarte-Diaz, J, Ross, CF, Strait, DS, Wang, Q, Grosse, IR. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 300: 242-253 (2012)
Public Anatomy: History and Potential
Ross, CF. Controversial Bodies: Thoughts on the Public Display of Plastinated Corpses.. John Lantos (Editor), Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 63-72 (2011)
Evolution of chewing jaw and hyoid muscle activity patterns in gnathostomes
Konow, N, Herrel, A, Ross, CF, Williams, SH, German, RZ, Sanford, CPJ, Gintof, C. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 51(2) 235-246 (2011)
Sources of variance in temporal and spatial aspects of jaw kinematics in two species of primates feeding on foods of different properties
Iriarte-Diaz, J, Reed, DA, Ross, CF. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 51(2): 307-319 (2011)
The effects of modeling simplifications on craniofacial finite element models: The alveoli (tooth sockets) and periodontal ligaments
Wood, SA, Strait, DS, Dumont, ER, Ross, CF, Grosse, IR. Journal of Biomechanics. 44: 1831-1838 (2011)
Free body analysis, beam mechanics, and finite element modeling of the mandible of Alligator mississippiensis
Porro, LB, Holliday, C M, Anapol, F, Ontiveros, LC, Ontiveros, LP, Ross, CF. Journal of Morphology. 272 (8): 910-937 (2011)
The instantaneous center of rotation of the mandible in non-human primates
Terhune, C, Iriarte-Diaz, J Taylor, A, Ross, CF. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 51(2): 320-332 (2011)
In vivo bone strain and finite-element modeling of the craniofacial haft in catarrhine primates
Ross, CF, Berthaume, M, Iriarte-Diaz, J Dechow, PC, Porro, LB, Richmond, BG, Spencer, M and Strait, D. Journal of Anatomy. 218: 112-141 (2011)
The impact of bone and suture material properties on mandibular function in Alligator mississippiensis: testing theoretical phenotypes with finite element analysis
Reed, DA, Porro, LB, Iriarte-Diaz, J, Lemberg, J, Holliday, CM, Anapol, F and Ross, CF. Journal of Anatomy. 218: 59-74 (2011)
A finite element analysis of masticatory stress hypotheses
Chalk, J, Richmond, BG, Ross, CF, Strait, DS, Wright, BW, Spencer, MA, Wang, Q, Dechow, PC. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 145:1-10 (2011)
The influence of food material properties on jaw kinematics in the primate Cebus
Reed, DA and Ross, CF. Archives of Oral Biology. 55: 946-962 (2010)
Effects of brain size and facial size on the evolution of the basicranium in Homo
Bastir, M, Rosas, A, Stringer, CB, Cuétara, JM, Kruszynski, R, Weber, GW, Ross, CF and Ravosa, MJ. Journal of Human Evolution. 58(5): 424-431 (2010)
Darwinius masillae – A reply to Franzen et al.
Williams, BA, Kay, RF, Kirk, EC, Ross, CF. Journal of Human Evolution. 59: 567-573 (2010)
Rhythmicity in teleost chewing: A comparison with amniotes
Gintof, C, Konow, N, Ross, CF, Sanford, CPJ. Journal of Experimental Biology. 213: 1868-1875. (2010)
Allometry of masticatory loading patterns in mammals
Ravosa, MJ, Ross, CF, Williams, SH, Costley, DB. Anatomical Record. 293: 557-571 (2010)
The structural rigidity of the cranium of Australopithecus africanus: implications for diet, dietary adaptations and the allometry of feeding biomechanics
Strait, DS, Grosse, I, Dechow, PC, Smith, AL, Wang, Q, Weber, GW, Neubauer, S, Slice, DE, Chalk, J, Richmond, BG, Lucas, PW, Spencer, MA, Schrein, C, Wright, BW, Byron, CD, Ross, CF. Anatomical Record. 293: 582-593 (2010)
Chewing variation in lepidosaurs and primates
Ross, CF, Baden, AL, Georgi, JA, Herrel, A, Metzger, KA, Reed, DA, Schaerlaeken, V, Wolff, MS. Journal of Experimental Biology. 213: 572-584 (2010)
Material properties of mandibular cortical bone in the American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis
Zapata, U, Metzger, KA, Wang, Q, Elsey, RM, Ross, CF, Dechow, PC. Bone. 46: 860-867 (2010)
Sexual shape dimorphism in tuatara
Herrel, A, Schaerlaeken, V, Moravec, J, Ross, CF. Copeia. 2009 (4): 727-731 (2009)
The role of vision in the origin and evolution of primates
Ross, CF and Martin, RD. Evolutionary Neuroscience. Jon Kaas (ed.). New York: Academic Press, pp. 819-838. (2009)
A “Basal” (non-avetheropod) tetanuran from the Lower Cretaceous Kirkwood Formation of South Africa
Forster, C, Farke, A, McCartney, J, de Klerk, W, Ross, CF. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 29: 283-285 (2009)
The feeding biomechanics and dietary ecology of Australopithecus africanus
Strait, DS, Weber, GW, Neubauer, S, Chalk, J, Richmond, BG, Lucas, PW, Spencer, MA, Schrein, C, Dechow, PC, Ross, CF, Grosse, IR, Wright, BW, Constantino, P, Wood, BA, Lawn, B, Hylander, WL, Wang, Q, Byron, CD, Slice, DE, Smith, AL. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 106(7): 2124-2129 (2009)
Ecological consequences of scaling of chew cycle duration and daily feeding time in Primates
Ross, CF, Washington, RL, Eckhardt, A, Reed, DA, Vogel, E, Dominy, N, Machanda, Z. Journal of Human Evolution. 56: 570-585 (2009)
Scaling of chew cycle duration in Primates
Ross, CF, Reed, DA, Washington, RL, Eckhardt, A, Anapol, F, Shahnoor, N. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 138: 30-44 (2009)
The functional significance of the lower temporal bar in Sphenodon punctatus
Schaerlaeken, V, Herrel, A, Aerts, P, Ross, CF. Journal of Experimental Biology. 211: 3908-3914 (2008)
Electromyography and the evolution of motor control: limitations and insights
Herrel, A, Schaerlaeken, V, Ross, CF, Meyers, JJ, Nishikawa, K, and Aerts, P. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 48 (2): 261-271 (2008)
Surface strain on bone and sutures in a monkey facial skeleton: an in vitro method and its relevance to finite element analysis
Wang, Q, Dechow, PC, Wright, BW, Ross, CF, Strait, DS, Richmond, BG, Spencer, MA. Primate Craniofacial Function and Biology. Jon Kaas (ed) New York: Academic Press, pp 819-838 (2008)
Craniofacial strain patterns during premolar loading: Implications for human evolution
Strait, DS, Wright, BW, Richmond, BG, Ross, CF, Dechow, PC, Spencer, MA, Wang, Q. Primate Craniofacial Function and Biology. Vinyard CJ, Ravosa MJ and Wall CE, (eds.). Springer: New York. Pp. 149-172 (2008)
Does the primate face torque?
Ross, CF. Primate Craniofacial Function and Biology. Vinyard CJ, Ravosa MJ and Wall CE, (eds.). Springer: New York. Pp. 63-81 (2008)
Scaling of reduced physiologic cross-sectional area in primate muscles of mastication
Anapol, F, Shahnoor, N, and Ross, CF. Primate Craniofacial Function and Biology. Vinyard CJ, Ravosa MJ and Wall CE, (eds.). Springer: New York. Pp. 201-216 (2008)
The evolution of cranial design and performance in squamates: consequences of skull bone reduction on feeding behavior
Herrel, A, Schaerlaeken, V, Meyers, JJ, Metzger, KA, and Ross, CF. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 47:107-117 (2007)
Modulation of intra-oral processing in mammals and lepidosaurs
Ross, CF, Eckhardt, A, Herrel, A, Hylander, WL, Metzger, KA, Schaerlaeken, V, Washington, RL, Williams, SH. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 47: 118-136 (2007)
Surface strain on bone and sutures in a monkey facial skeleton: an in vitro method and its relevance to finite element analysis
Strait, DS, Richmond, BG, Spencer, MA, Ross, CF, and Wood, BA. Journal of Human Evolution. 52: 585-599 (2007)
Modulation of mandibular loading and bite force in mammals during mastication
Ross, CF, Dharia, R, Herring, SW, Hylander, WL, Liu, Z-J, Rafferty, KL, Ravosa, MJ, Williams, SH. Journal of Experimental Biology. 210: 1046-1063 (2007)
Eye shape and activity pattern in birds
Hall, MI and Ross, CF. Journal of Zoology. 271: 437-444 (2007)
Evolution of eye size and shape in primates
Ross, CF and Kirk, EC. Journal of Human Evolution. 52:294-313 (2007)
The role of vision in the origin and evolution of primates
Ross, CF and Martin, RD. Evolution of Nervous Systems. Volume 4: The Evolution of Primate Nervous Systems. Todd M. Preuss and Jon Kaas (eds). Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 59-78 (2007)
Oculomotor stability and the functions of the postorbital bar and septum
Heesy, CP, Ross, CF and Demes, BD. Primate Origins: Adaptation and Evolution. MJ Ravosa and M Dagosto (eds.). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, pp. 257-283 (2006)
Were basal primates nocturnal? Evidence from eye and orbit shape
Ross, CF, Hall, MI, and Heesy, CP. Primate Origins: Adaptation and Evolution. MJ Ravosa and M Dagosto (eds.). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, pp. 233-256 (2006)
A new pipoid anuran from the Late Cretaceous of South Africa
Trueb, L, Ross, CF, and Smith, R. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 25(3): 533-547 (2005)
The evolutionary and ecological context of primate vision
Martin, RD, and Ross, CF. The Primate Visual System. Ed, Jan Kremers, John Wiley & Sons; pp. 1-36 (2005)
Temporalis function in anthropoids and strepsirrhines: an EMG study
Hylander, WL, Wall, CE, Vinyard, C, Ross, CF, Ravosa, MJ J, Williams, S, and Johnson, KR. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 128: 35-56 (2005)
Modeling elastic properties in finite element analysis: how much precision is needed to produce an accurate model?
Strait, D, Wang, Q, Dechow, PC, Ross, CF, Richmond, B, Spencer, M, Patel, and BA. Anatomical Record. 283A: 275-287 (2005)
Modeling masticatory muscle force in finite-element analysis: sensitivity analysis using principal coordinates analysis
Ross, CF, Patel BA, Slice, DE, Strait, D, Dechow, PC, Richmond, B, and Spencer, M. Anatomical Record. 283A: 288-299 (2005)
Comparison of beam theory and finite-element analysis to in vivo bone strain in the alligator cranium
Metzger, KA, Daniel, W, Ross, CF. Anatomical Record. 283A: 331-348 (2005)
Finite Element Analysis in functional morphology
Richmond, BG, Wright, B, Grosse, I, Dechow, PC, Ross, CF, Spencer, M, Strait, DS. Anatomical Record. 283A: 259-274 (2005)
Finite-element modeling in vertebrate biomechanics
Ross, CF. Anatomical Record. 283A: 253-8 (2005)
Bone strain gradients and optimization in tetrapod skulls
Ross, CF and Metzger, KA. Annals of Anatomy. 186: 387-396 (2004)
Evolution of primate sensory systems: past, present and future
Dominy, NJ, Ross, CF, Smith, TD. Anatomical Record. 281A: 1078-1082 (2004)
Primate auditory diversity and its influence on hearing performance
Coleman, MN and Ross, CF. Anatomical Record. 281A:1123-1137 (2004)
Jaw muscle recruitment patterns during mastication in anthropoids and prosimians
F Anapol, R German, & N Jablonski, eds., Hylander, WL, Ravosa, MJ, and Ross, CF. Shaping Primate Evolution. Ed, Jan Kremers, John Wiley & Sons; pp. 1-36 (2004)
Curvilinear and geometric modeling of basicranial flexion in a phylogenetic context: Is it adaptive? Is it constrained?
Ross, CF, Henneberg, M, Richard, S, and Ravosa, MJ. Journal of Human Evolution. 46: 185-213 (2004)
Anthropoid origins: Retrospective and prospective
CF Ross and RF Kay, eds., Ross, CF and RF Kay. Anthropoid Origins: New Visions. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, pp. 701-737 (2004)
The tarsier fovea: functionless vestige or nocturnal adaptation
CF Ross and RF Kay, eds., Ross, CF. Anthropoid Origins: New Visions. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers pp. 477-537 (2004)
Evolving perspectives of Anthropoidea
Fleagle, JG and Kay, RF (eds.) Ross, CF. Anthropoid Origins: New Visions. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, pp. 3-41 (2004)
Anthropoid origins: a phylogenetic analysis
Ross, CF and Kay, RF (eds.): Kay, RF, Williams, BA, Ross, CF, Takai, M, and Shigehara, N. Anthropoid Origins: New Visions. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp. 91-135 (2004)
Mosaic evolution of activity pattern, diet, and color vision in haplorhine primates
CF Ross and RF Kay, eds., Heesy, CP and Ross, CF. Anthropoid Origins: New Visions. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, pp. 665-698 (2004)
Adaptation and behavior in the primate fossil record
Mochizuki, Y et al. (56 authors). Reconstructing Behavior in the Primate Fossil Record. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. Pp. 1-41 (2002)
In vivo function of the craniofacial haft: The interorbital “pillar”
Ross, CF. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 116: 108-139 (2001)
Evolution of activity patterns and chromatic vision in primates: Morphometrics, genetics and cladistics
Heesy CP and CF Ross. Journal of Human Evolution. 40: 111-149 (2001)
The primate cranial base: ontogeny, function and integration
Lieberman, DE, Ross, CF, Ravosa, MJ. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology. 43: 117-169 (2000)
Into the light: The origin of Anthropoidea
Ross, CF. Annual Review of Anthropology. 29: 147-194 (2000)
The petrosal of Omomys carteri and the evolution of the primate basicranium
Ross, CF, and Covert, HH. Journal of Human Evolution. 39: 225-251 (2000)
Symphyseal fusion and jaw-adductor muscle force: An EMG study
Hylander, WL, Ravosa, MJ, Ross, CF, Wall, C E and Johnson, KR. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 112: 469-492 (2000)
Electromyography of the anterior temporal muscles of Aotus and the function of the anthropoid postorbital septum
Ross, CF and Hylander, WL. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 112: 455-468 (2000)
Mammalian feeding and primate evolution
Ross, CF and Wall, C. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 112: 449-453 (2000)
A new carnivorous dinosaur from South Africa: Coelurosaurian distributions in Gondwana
De Klerk, WJ, Forster, C A, Sampson, SD, Chinsamy, A and Ross, CF. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 20: 324-332 (2000)
Kinematic data on primate head and neck posture: implications for the evolution of basicranial flexion and an evaluation of registration planes
Strait, DS and Ross, CF. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 108: 205-222 (1999)
Lepidosaurian fossils from the lower Cretaceous of South Africa
Ross, CF, H-D Sues and de Klerk, W. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 19(1): 21-27 (1999)
Mandibular corpus strain in primates: Further evidence for the relationship between symphyseal fusion and jaw-adductor muscle force
Hylander, WL, Ravosa, MJ, Ross, CF and Johnson, KR. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 107:257-271 (1998)
Phylogenetic analysis of anthropoid relationships
Ross, CF, Williams, B A, and Kay, RF. Journal of Human Evolution. 35: 221-306 (1998)
Cladistic analysis and anthropoid origins: Response
Kay, RF, Ross, CF, Williams, B A and Johnson, D. Science. 278: 2135-2136 (1997)
Anthropoid origins
Kay, RF, Ross, CF, and Williams, B A. Science. 275: 797-804 (1997)
An adaptive explanation for the origin of the Anthropoidea (Primates)
Ross, CF. American Journal of Primatology. 40(2): 205-230 (1996)
In vivo and in vitro bone strain analysis of the circumorbital region of Aotus and the function of the postorbital septum
Ross, CF and Hylander, WL. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 101(2): 183-215 (1996)
Allometric and functional influences on primate orbit orientation and the origins of the Anthropoidea
Ross, CF. Journal of Human Evolution. 29: 201-227 (1995)
Basicranial flexion, relative brain size and facial kyphosis in Homo sapiens and some fossil hominids
Ross, CF and Henneberg, M. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 98: 575-593 (1995)
Muscular and osseous anatomy of the primate anterior temporal fossa and the functions of the postorbital septum
Ross, CF. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 98: 275-306 (1995)
Craniofacial evidence for anthropoid and tarsier relationships
Fleagle, JG and Kay, RF (eds.) Ross, CF. Anthropoid Origins. New York: Plenum Press, pp. 469-547 (1994)
Allometry and heterochrony in Alouatta palliata and Alouatta seniculus
Ravosa, MJ and Ross, CF. American Journal of Primatology. 33: 277-299 (1994)
Basicranial flexion, relative brain size and facial kyphosis in nonhuman primates
Ross, CF and Ravosa, MJ. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 91: 305-324 (1993)
The functions of the postorbital septum and anthropoid origins
Ross, CF. . Ph.D. Dissertation, Duke University (1993)
A misuse of evolutionary models in archaeology: “The Evolution of the Polynesian Chiefdoms”
Ross, CF. Archaeology in Oceania. 22: 33-37 (1987)