Hyolingual evolution
The anatomical diversity of hypoid and tongue morphology is poorly documented. Peishu Li is working in the Luo and Ross Labs on the evolution and function of the hyoid apparatus in mammals. His work includes morphometric studies of CT scan data sets, and measures of hyoid kinematics during chewing and swallowing in primates and other mammals. Kaleb Sellers is using DiceCT techniques to study the evolution of tongue morphology in mammals, starting with primates.
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Head posture impacts mammalian hyoid position and suprahyoid muscle length: implication for swallowing biomechanics
Peishu Li, Callum F. Ross, Zhe-Xi Luo, Nicholas J. Gidmark. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 378: 20220552. (2023)
Morphological disparity and evolutionary transformations in the primate hyoid apparatus
Li, P, Ross, CF, Luo, Z. Journal of Human Evolution. 162, 103094 (2021)
Vibroacoustic Response of the Tympanic Membrane to Hyoid-Borne Sound Generated during Echolocation in Bats
Chelsie C. G. Snipes, Richard T. Carter. Integrative and Comparative Biology. (2023)