Fossil hominids
In vivo and finite element modeling studies have long informed our understanding of fossil hominid cranial and mandibular evolution. Collaborations with Dr. David Strait have produced several important papers on fossil hominid cranial mechanics. We use data on bone material properties collected with Paul Dechow, data on muscle architecture collected by Andrea Taylor, and data on jaw kinematics and muscle activity collected with Jose (Pepe) Iriarte-Diaz and Olga Panagiotopoulou to build our models. In collaboration with Zeray Alemseged, Andrea Taylor, Chris Robinson, Amanda Smith and Carol Ward we are using geometric morphometric and finite element modeling techniques to study mandible design (form-function relationships) in living and fossil hominids (humans and apes). We are interested in what aspects of diet or feeding behavior are reflected in mandible morphology, and hence can be reconstructed in fossil hominids.
Related Publications
In vivo bone strain and finite-element modeling of the craniofacial haft in catarrhine primates
Ross, CF, Berthaume, M, Iriarte-Diaz, J Dechow, PC, Porro, LB, Richmond, BG, Spencer, M and Strait, D. Journal of Anatomy. 218: 112-141 (2011)
Biomechanical implications of intraspecific shape variation in chimpanzee crania: moving towards an integration of geometric morphometrics and finite element analysis
Smith AL, Benazzi S, Ledogar JA, Tamvada K, Pryor Smith LC, Weber GW, Spencer MA, Dechow PC, Grosse IR, Ross CF and others. Anatomical Record. 298(1): 122-144 (2015)
Comparative biomechanics of the Pan and Macaca mandibles during mastication: Finite element modeling of loading, deformation and strain regimes
Smith, AL, Robinson, C, Taylor, AB, Panagiotopoulou, O, Davis, J, Ward, CV, Kimbel, WH, Alemseged, Z, Ross, CF. Royal Society Interface. 336844:51:00 (2021)
Mechanical compensation in the evolution of the early hominin feeding apparatus
Ledogar, J, Senck, S, Villmoare, B, Smith, A, Weber, G, Richmond, B, Dechow, P, Ross, CF, Grosse, I, Wright, B, Wang, Q, Byron, C, Benazzi, S, Carlson, K, Carlson, K, McIntosh, L, van Casteren, A, Strait, D. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 337300:51:00 (2022)
Microwear, mechanics and the feeding adaptations of Australopithecus africanus
Strait, DS, Weber, GW, Constantino, P, Lucas, PW, Richmond, BG, Spencer, MA, Dechow, PC, Ross, CF, Grosse, IR, Wright, BW, Wood, BA, Wang, Q, Byron, CD, Slice, DE. Journal of Human Evolution. 62: 165-168 (2012)
The biomechanics of bony facial “buttresses” in South African australopiths: an experimental study using finite element analysis
Ledogar JA, Benazzi, S, Smith AL, Weber GW, Grosse IR, Ross CF, Richmond BG, Wright BW, Byron C, Strait, DS, Wang, Q, Dechow, PC. Anatomical Record. 300:171–195 (2017)
The feeding biomechanics and dietary ecology of Australopithecus africanus
Strait, DS, Weber, GW, Neubauer, S, Chalk, J, Richmond, BG, Lucas, PW, Spencer, MA, Schrein, C, Dechow, PC, Ross, CF, Grosse, IR, Wright, BW, Constantino, P, Wood, BA, Lawn, B, Hylander, WL, Wang, Q, Byron, CD, Slice, DE, Smith, AL. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 106(7): 2124-2129 (2009)
The structural rigidity of the cranium of Australopithecus africanus: implications for diet, dietary adaptations and the allometry of feeding biomechanics
Strait, DS, Grosse, I, Dechow, PC, Smith, AL, Wang, Q, Weber, GW, Neubauer, S, Slice, DE, Chalk, J, Richmond, BG, Lucas, PW, Spencer, MA, Schrein, C, Wright, BW, Byron, CD, Ross, CF. Anatomical Record. 293: 582-593 (2010)